
Showing posts from December, 2012

Foods That Maintain pH Balance

Maintaining the proper pH balance in your body may sound difficult, but it is quite simple. Your body needs to maintain a slightly alkaline environment to survive and thrive. Adjust your diet to eat more of the foods that have an alkaline effect on your body. This does not mean you should avoid acid producing foods, just limit them. Your diet should not cause your body to become too alkaline or too acidic. It’s all about balance. In general, you should aim for 75-80 percent alkaline foods and 20-25 percent acid foods. Alkaline foods are mostly vegetables like asparagus, artichokes, lettuce, onion, peas, spinach, carrots, green beans, and broccoli. Fruits include lemon, tomato, avocado, and grapefruit. Other alkaline foods are sprouts, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbal tea, and vegetable juice. To maintain pH balance, you should eat a minimal amount of acid forming foods. Examples of acid forming foods are meats, poultry, most seafood, sweets, white bread, white pasta, chocolate, coffe

Benefits Of Green Tea

Here is a video of the benefits of green tea and how you can lose some weight. Hope this will help some of you struggling to lose a few pounds.

What About Activity?

Exercising  30 minutes a day is essential. To make this easier, find an activity that you enjoy doing and why not think of it as “playing.” everything you do, whether it’s walking,playing with your pet, or washing the car, burns calories. Look for things that you will enjoy during your work out. Such as the beautiful weather, the park, or just be grateful that you can and are capable of performing a activity.  Join a gym or recreational center or walk in your local mall. If you’re  intimidated to work out in front of others, buy or rent a walking DVD,  For every excuse that you decide to come up with, there will be a way to get around it . Accept that this is what you  need to do for the rest of your life and try to work on your attitude. You can learn to love activity, or at least, appreciate what it does for your health.Since it is winter and some days it's impossible to go out side,try walking up and down the stairs.Most important is keep up your weekly exercise.

Garlic Tea For Coughs

 Christmas season is a time for sharing and gathering around the tree singing carols and being with family. We also catch colds from being in closed areas. So I am sharing this remedy that works for me. ·         Cut a garlic cubed into quarters and add to two 2 quarts of water ·         Boil on low flame for at least one hour. ·         Strain and sip slowly.   This warm garlic tea has a very pleasant taste!

Green Tea's Antioxidants

Today I would like to talk about green tea, and how the benefits help with our dieting on a day to day schedule. Green tea's antioxidants, called catechins, scavenge for free radicals that can damage DNA and contribute to cancer, blood clots, and atherosclerosis . Grapes and berries, red wine, and dark chocolate also have potent antioxidants. Green’s antioxidants are dilators, because they improve the flexibility of blood vessels and make them less vulnerable to clogging -- and antioxidant-rich blueberries and pomegranates do the same. Because of green tea's minimal processing -- its leaves are withered and steamed, not fermented like black and oolong teas -- green tea's unique catechins, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), are more concentrated. If you would like to find out more about green tea click on the green tea advertisement on the bottom of this page.

Five Tips to lose Weight Now

Today I am going to speak about how we all gain and lose weight differently.We  all have different bodies but the basic recipe to lose weight is universal.I’m sure that we all heard that a healthy diet and regular  exercise should keep us all slim.We all wish that it would work that way but unfortunately that’s not the case.With the right tools ,we can easily design a weight loss program that will work for us.As you probably know by now that I have a weight problem and I assure you that I have tried everything out there, that’s why I thought I would create this blog so I could share some of my thoughts and ideas with you.Tempting short cuts and fad diets usually crash and do not have long term results.There are no real tricks out there,only good tools and lots of information  to help us stay on course.we have to start making small changes every day to see gradual weight loss. Take it step-by-step to see what you need to do each day so you can get to your ultimate goal. Figure out

Endless Possibilites

In this blog  I am going to talk about how to lose weight and the reasons why we seem to gain these extra few pounds every year.I have struggled with this problem and I know how hard it is to do.As I continue to wright about weight loss in the months to come,I hope that you will follow along with me and add your opinion once in a while. I know that there is a lot of diet plans out there that you could follow. Every diet plan that is advertized seems to say that they have the right plan for you and me. You can spend a lot of money going on these diets,only to end up in the same spot.So I am going to look at some possibilities and do some research on some of the plans that are out there, to see what works and what does not work.I am reaily excited to wright about weight loss,because I will be not only doing this for my self but other peaple who are struggling with weight loss themselves .If i find some useful information or a plan that i think that works, I will be sharing with you.