Foods That Maintain pH Balance

Maintaining the proper pH balance in your body may sound difficult, but it is quite simple. Your body needs to maintain a slightly alkaline environment to survive and thrive. Adjust your diet to eat more of the foods that have an alkaline effect on your body. This does not mean you should avoid acid producing foods, just limit them. Your diet should not cause your body to become too alkaline or too acidic. It’s all about balance.
In general, you should aim for 75-80 percent alkaline foods and 20-25 percent acid foods. Alkaline foods are mostly vegetables like asparagus, artichokes, lettuce, onion, peas, spinach, carrots, green beans, and broccoli. Fruits include lemon, tomato, avocado, and grapefruit. Other alkaline foods are sprouts, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbal tea, and vegetable juice.
To maintain pH balance, you should eat a minimal amount of acid forming foods. Examples of acid forming foods are meats, poultry, most seafood, sweets, white bread, white pasta, chocolate, coffee, soda, fruit juice, and most oils. You don’t have to totally avoid eating these foods to maintain pH balance, but keep these foods within the 20-25 percent proportion of your diet.
This is just a guide line to help maintain a healthy PH balance, while we are on a weight loss program. So just be careful of the foods that you cut out of your diet, we also need to stay strong and healthy.


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